Biopolymerproduktion aus industriellen Abwasserströmen – Teil II

Aus dem Projekt entstandene Publikationen:

  • Laumeyer, Cora; Zimmer, Julia; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2025): From fruit juice wastewater to biopolymer – How the mixed microbial culture and PHA content develop over time.  In: Chemical Engineering Journal 503 (2025) 158314
  • Laumeyer, C.; Zimmer, J.; Steinmetz, H. (2024). Development of Microbial Community, Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Yield and Composition Using Residual Streams of the Fruit Juice Industry. In: Mannina, G., Cosenza, A., Mineo, A. (eds) Resource Recovery from Wastewater Treatment. ICWRR 2024. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 524. Springer, Cham.